High School Students and Parents!
Please Register to be notified of upcoming college fairs and news based on the location, major, and area of study of the college or university you wish to attend.
We've been creating and organizing college fairs for over thirty years. Our first college fairs utilized pencils and notebooks. It's safe to say the students who attended our first college fairs are now retired. As times have changed, so have we! We sincerely believe both in-person and virtual college fairs will continue to play a vital role in the college decision process.
This page is designed to provide valuable contact information for each college, along with a video tour to save you hours of Internet browsing and have all of your interests conveniently on one page. Most students and parents bookmark this page for future reference and often spend hours learning about the educational opportunities that lie ahead.
We wish you all nothing but the best of luck and remind you sign up for email alerts for upcoming college fairs. You may find the next phase of your life begins right on this page!
Main phone: (401) 598-1000
Website: https://www.jwu.edu/
Email: providence@admissions.jwu.edu
Address: 8 Abbott Park Place
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Main phone: (207) 326-4311
Website: https://mainemaritime.edu/
Email: admissions@mma.edu
Address: 1 Pleasant Street
Castine, Maine 04420
Main phone: (603) 358-2276
Website: https://www.keene.edu/
Email: admissions@keene.edu
Address: 229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435
Main phone: (215) 885-2360
Website: https://manor.edu/
Email: admissions@manor.edu
Address: 700 Fox Chase Road Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 19046
Main phone: (828) 898-5241
Website: https://www.lmc.edu
Email: admissions@lmc.edu
Address: 191 Main Street
Banner Elk, North Carolina 28604
Main phone: (516) 323-3000
Website: https://www.molloy.edu/
Email: admissions@molloy.edu
Address: 1000 Hempstead Ave. Rockville Centre, New York 11571
Main phone: (970) 943-2219
Website: https://www.western.edu/
Email: admissions@western.edu
Address: 1 Western Way
Gunnison, Colorado 81231
Main phone: (800) 868-1842
Website: https://www.citadel.edu/
Email: admissions@citadel.edu
Address: 171 Moultrie St.
Charleston, South Carolina 29409
Main phone: (616) 632-8900
Website: https://www.aquinas.edu/
Email: admissions@aquinas.edu
Address: 1700 Fulton Street E.
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
Main phone: (212) 986-4343
Website: https://www.berkeleycollege.edu/
Email: info@berkeleycollege.edu
Address: 44 Rifle Camp Road Woodland Park, New Jersey 07424
Main phone: (505) 277-8900
Website: https://unm.edu/
Email: unmlobos@unm.edu
Address: P.O. Box 4895
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87196
Main phone: (800) 586-5336
Website: https://www.utoledo.edu/
Email: enroll@utoledo.edu
Address: 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio 43606
Main phone: (949) 854-8002
Website: https://www.cui.edu/
Email: admissions@cui.edu
Address: 1530 Concordia West
Irvine, California 92612
Main phone: (262) 243-4300
Website: https://www.cuw.edu/
Email: admissions@cuw.edu
Address: 12800 N Lake Shore Dr. Mequon, Wisconsin 53097
Main phone: (508) 541-1900
Website: https://www.dean.edu/
Email: admissions@dean.edu
Address: 99 Main Street
Franklin, Massachusetts 02038
Main phone: (508) 830-5000
Website: https://www.maritime.edu/
Email: admissions@maritime.edu
Address: 101 Academy Drive
Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts 02532
Main phone: (609) 771-2131
Website: https://www.tcnj.edu/
Email: TCNJInfo@tcnj.edu
Address: P.O. Box 7718
Ewing, New Jersey 08628
Main phone: (870) 235-4040
Website: https://www.saumag.edu
Email: muleriders@saumag.edu
Address: 100 East University
Magnolia, Arkansas 71753
Main phone: (973) 655-4444
Website: https://www.montclair.edu
Email: msuadm@montclair.edu
Address: 1 Normal Ave
Montclair, New Jersey 07043
Main phone: (510) 430-2135
Website: https://www.mills.edu
Email: admission@mills.edu
Address: 5000 MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, California 94613
Main phone: (425) 889-5231
Website: https://www.northwestu.edu/
Email: recruitment@northwestu.edu
Address: 5520 108th Ave. NE
Kirkland, Washington 98033
Main phone: (919) 684-3214
Website: https://duke.edu/
Email: undergrad-admissions@duke.edu
Address: 2138 Campus Drive
Durham, North Carolina 27708
Main phone: (918) 392-5530
Website: https://www.holbertonschool.com
Email: tul-admissions@holbertonschool.com
Address: 15 N. Cheyenne Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103
Main phone: (913) 266-8632
Website: https://www.ottawa.edu
Email: admissions@ottawa.edu
Address: 4370 W. 109th Street, Ste. 200
Overland Park, Kansas 66211
Main phone: (262) 691-5200
Website: https://www.wctc.edu
Email: Outreach@wctc.edu
Address: 800 Main Street
Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072
Main phone: (312) 733-9285
Website: https://www.paulmitchell.edu/
Email: admissions@chicago.paulmitchell.edu
Address: 1225 S. Halsted Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Other locations available! See website for a list of schools throughout the country.
Main phone: (800) 635-2356
Website: https://www.northernvermont.edu/
Email: Admissions@NorthernVermont.edu
Address: 337 College Hill
Johnson, Vermont 05656
Main phone: (504) 865-3240
Website: https://www.loyno.edu/
Email: admit@loyno.edu
Address: 6363 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118
Main phone: (303) 914-6600
Website: https://www.rrcc.edu
Email: admissions@rrcc.edu
Address: 13300 W. 6th Avenue
Lakewood, Colorado 80228
Main phone: (806) 742-1480
Website: https://www.ttu.edu/
Email: admissions@ttu.edu
Address: 2500 Broadway
Lubbock, Texas 79409
Main phone: (908) 852-1400
Address: 400 Jefferson Street
Hackettstown, New Jersey 07840
Main phone: (888) 785-5624
Website: https://tfc.edu
Email: admissions@tfc.edu
Address: 107 Kincaid Drive
Toccoa Falls, Georgia 30598
Main phone: (608) 342-1491
Website: https://www.uwplatt.edu
Email: admit@uwplatt.edu
Address: 1 University Plaza
Platteville, Wisconsin 53818
Main phone: (406) 683-7371
Website: https://umwestern.edu
Email: admissions@umwestern.edu
Address: 710 S. Atlantic Street
Dillon, Montana 59725
Main phone: (231) 591-2100
Website: https://www.ferris.edu/
Email: admissions@ferris.edu
Address: 1201 S. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
Main phone: (845) 398-4100
Website: https://stac.edu/
Email: admissions@stac.edu
Address: 125 Route 340
Sparkill, New York 10976
Main phone: (908) 737-7100
Website: https://www.kean.edu
Email: admitme@kean.edu
Address: 1000 Morris Avenue
Union, New Jersey 07083
Main phone: (608) 785-8939
Website: https://www.uwlax.edu/
Email: admissions@uwlax.edu
Address: 1725 State Street
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601
Main phone: (320) 308-2244
Website: https://www.stcloudstate.edu
Email: scsu4u@stcloudstate.edu
Address: 720 4th Avenue S.
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301
Main phone: (610) 328-8300
Website: https://www.swarthmore.edu
Email: admissions@swarthmore.edu
Address: 500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 19081
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