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Recruiter College Fair Registrations for Colleges and Universities

Recruiter College Fair Registrations for Colleges and Universities

We deliver highly qualified high school students with above average requirement and acceptance metrics.

In-Person College Fair Registrations

This section of our website is exclusively for college recruiters who wish to learn more about our services and register for our in-person college fairs.

  • We are a national leader in organizing and setting up successful college fairs.

  • Our expertise represents the perfect partnership between qualified high school students and outstanding educational institutions.

A College Recruiter Shares Her College Fair Experience.

In-Person College Fair Program Benefits

  • Free bus transportation for all high schools.
  • A scanning app will be used so students can provide their information directly to colleges/universities in a private and secure manner.
  • A hot buffet breakfast or dinner (depending on time of event) will be provided to all college/university representatives.
  • A yellow bag will be given out to students to collect information during the assembly and college fair components.
  • Students will receive a list of questions to use as they explore the college booths.
  • International College Fairs Only - An assembly program will be presented to international students, covering such topics as: Why Study Abroad, Cost, Applications, etc. The college fair component will follow the assembly, with over 25 college/ university representatives that recruit for foreign institutions in attendance.

Recruiter Registration for In-Person College Fairs

  • Please check all the events you wish to attend.
  • For one inclusive price, you receive all student registrations who attend the event, not only those you scanned. Plus, our new APP is included!
  • Once you register, you will be taken to a new page for credit card payments. If you choose the "check" option, we will email you an invoice.
  • All event times are local.

Register for College Fairs

  • Once you complete your registration, you will be taken to our payment page.


  • Once you complete your registration, you will be taken to our payment page.

Domestic, Night-Time, International and International Virtual College Fairs

Region and States

Date and Local Time

Registration Fee

March 19, 2025 - Philadelphia, PA - Cannstatter Volkfest Verein

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

March 20, 2025 - Southern New Jersey - Riverwinds Community Center 

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

March 21, 2025 - Northern NJ -Hudson, Essex, Union, etc. - Montclair State University

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

March 24, 2025 - Middlesex, Union, Monmouth Counties, NJ - Woodbridge High School

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

March 25, 2025 - Manhattan-Bronx, NY - Lehman College

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Registration $695

March 26, 2025 - Staten Island, NY - College of Staten Island

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

March 27, 2025 - Westchester-Rockland Counties, NY - Manhattanville University

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

March 28, 2025 - Cathedral High School, NY (Catholic High Schools Only)

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Registration $695

April 1, 2025 - Brooklyn-Queens, NY - Kingsborough Community College

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Registration $695

April 2, 2025 - Reading, PA - Reading High School

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

April 3, 2025 - Scranton, PA - Marywood University

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

April 4, 2025 - Northern NJ (Bergen, Passaic, Morris Counties) - Fairleigh Dickinson University

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

April 4, 2025 - Charlotte, NC-AVID/Charlotte Hornets - Spectrum Center

12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Registration $650

April 7, 2025 - Jersey City Public Schools College Fair - Saint Peter's University

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $350

 April 22, 2025 - Riverview FL - JROTC College Fair - The Regent

  • (6th Brigade JROTC colleges/universities only)

10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Registration Free

April 30, 2025 - Baltimore County, MD - Community College of Baltimore County, Dundalk Campus

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Registration $695

May 2, 2025 - Eastern Shore, MD - Salisbury University

Time TBA

Registration $695

High School College Fair Events

April 23, 2025 - Night-Time Program - Fresh Meadows, New York - Francis Lewis High School

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

App Fee $75


April 25, 2025 - Day-Time Program - Brooklyn, NY - STAR Early College High School at Erasmus

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

App Fee $75


International College Fairs - Recruit in Brazil

Watch this section for our upcoming international college fairs in Brazil once they become available.

In 6 days, have access to over 2,900 high school students and parents from grades 9 to 12, from over 12 quality, private high schools in São Paulo, Brazil (captive audience).

  • You will be picked up at your hotel by Coach bus and be transported to and from each event and back to your hotel.
  • Hotel accommodations, breakfast and lunch will be included in total tour price. ✔ Our scanning app will allow you to efficiently exchange student information.
  • A tote bag will be given to each student for collection of your material.
  • Ability to interact with all school personnel at each event during breakfast and lunch.
  • Each event will have a panel discussion about attending colleges/universities abroad.
  • A list of questions will be given to each high school student/parent so they will be prepared to ask pertinent questions about your college/university.
  • Cost includes hotel accommodations, transportation to and from the events, breakfast and lunch each day, tote bag, scanning app, etc.

International Virtual College Fairs

Watch this section for our upcoming international virtual college fairs once they become available.

National College Fair at Lehman College

For over 30 years, we've been helping college recruiters find their next freshman class. We provided you with this short video so you can experience one of our events yourself, and hear testimonials from other recruiters who have attended our college fairs.

We also invite college recruiters to learn more about some of the other services we offer to help make your recruiting year the best it can be:

Learn More About Our College Recruiting Service

Let us recruit for you!  Even with limited resources in these economically challenging times, our new recruitment opportunity will enable you to reach more students and expand into new regions without hiring additional staff.

  • You can hire one of our consultants to represent you at the college fair events you want to participate in on a national or regional basis. Our college fair events are in every major metropolitan area, as well as many suburban areas throughout the U.S.

  • Training of the person who represents you will be discussed by your admissions staff and our staff to ensure you get the best possible representation at the fair!
  • At the scheduled college fair event, we will set up your table with your school’s banner, put out your printed material, talk with students, and collect referral cards on your behalf.

  • Immediately following each college fair, we will send the referral cards overnight to your office.

For more information about our College Recruiting Service, please call Sam Grant at (917) 859-2873, or contact us online.

College Recruiter Hospitality Room Sponsorship Programs

  • Be the sole sponsor of the college fair
  • Hot breakfast in the hospitality room for guidance counselors and college advisor chaperones
  • Make your name visible for three hours in front of a captive audience
  • Receive a free table at the college fair you sponsor
  • Put the name of your institution in front of 60 to 100 high school guidance counselors and college advisors
  • Provide tote bags for the guidance counselors and college advisors with your institution name and recruitment materials in them
  • Display your advertising and branding around the room, including banners, pop-ups, and brochures
  • Make reply cards available to the guidance counselors and college advisors to collect contact information for follow up

For more information, contact Sam Grant at 917-859-2823 or 800-562-3346,

We know what high school counselors, parents, and students look for when choosing their future college. We know what college recruiters are looking for: to fill their campuses with students that will honor their educational curriculum and traditions. We represent students of all areas and work hard to establish and develop pathways that connect your facility to highly qualified high school students who want to maximize the educational opportunity you have for them.

One such program is our relationship with AVID, which you can read more about below, but we have many relationships with high school counselors and even students. These relationships, based on a process of thirty years of college fair experience, make us the preferred choice, year after year, of colleges and universities nationwide. 


What is AVID?

Our Partnership with AVID Provides Your Educational Institution with Nearly 100% Attendance of Highly Qualified High School Students to Your Virtual College Fair!

AVID is an advanced teaching program that prepares students for college readiness and success in a global society. Over 6,000 schools now recognize, implement, and utilize these educational strategies. Consider these previous results from AVID students:

  • 94% will complete four-year college entrance requirements
  • 90% who apply are accepted into four-year colleges
  • 85% persist into the second year of their college education

Career Council Inc., and the have partnered with AVID to share with you hundreds of thousands of high school students participating in the AVID educational program. These highly qualified high school students will be attending our virtual college fairs from their classrooms as part of their high school classes, making exposure to your college fair nearly 100%!

If your college isn't participating in our virtual college fairs, your school could be missing a significant opportunity to become a part of these students' plans for the future.

Registration is easy. Simply add all of the virtual college fairs you wish to have your school be a part of and checkout. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us for In-Person College Fair Registration

We sincerely believe we have leveraged our thirty years of college fair experience to maximize efficiency and provide you the largest return for your budget. If you have any questions or additional needs not listed here, we invite you to contact us to help make your next college fairs the most successful ones you've ever experienced.

Please contact us today!

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